- What is fiscalisation?
Fiscalisation refers to configuring of fiscal devices to enable them to record sales and other tax information on the read only fiscal memory at the time of sale for use by the tax authorities in VAT administration. It was introduced in Zimbabwe on the 8th of June 2010 through statutory instrument 104 of 2010.
The law requires that, all operators who qualify to register under VAT category C i.e. those with turnover of US$240 000.00 and above per annum, record their sales using fiscal memory devices.
The effective date for fiscalisation was the 1st of October 2011, with a possible extension of 90 days. Every registered operator in category C was expected to be fully fiscalised by that date. Those who failed to meet the deadline will be liable to penalties in terms of the law
2. Approved Suppliers
In terms of Statutory Instrument 104 of 2010 (Sec 9), fiscal memory devices can only be purchased from approved suppliers. The list of the approved suppliers and the devices they are authorised to supply was published in the Government Gazette of 29 July 2011
3. Roles of the approved suppliers
- To import and distribute approved fiscal devices
- To supply correct devices to operators in terms of models and advise suitability of the devices depending on the nature of business.
- To install and configure the device on the client’s system and to ensure that everything is in good operating order before the device can be used.
- To provide training and back up support to registered operators after enabling the devices to record information in the read only memory.
- To repair faulty devices.
- N.B. Repairs can only be done after the registered operator has made a report to Zimra and given a reference number for the fault report.
- Maintain adequate stocks of devices and spare parts.
4. Roles of Registered Operators
i) Before fiscalisation
- To acquire appropriate devices from approved suppliers
- To integrate their systems to the device (including interfaces where necessary)
- To register the devices with Zimra by completing and submitted to Zimra Form FRT1.
a) N.B. Form FRT1 can be obtained from Zimra offices, from the approved supplier or the Zimra website (www.zimra.co.zw).
- To ensure there is back up power supply capable of lasting at least eight hours from the time the power supply ceased.
- To liaise with the supplier on the following issues:
i) On installation and configure the devices onto the client`s system.
ii) Programming the gadget into fiscal mode.
iii) Print test Z-Report indicating that the device is now in fiscal mode.
- To liaise with the Zimra on the following issues:
i) Confirmation that the device is working and ready to record tax information.
ii) To seal the device.
(1) N.B. This indicates that the device is ready for use.
ii) After Fiscalisation
• Permanently affix the device registration number on the device.
- Record all sales using the device once it has been fiscalised and not to use any alternative systems without the approval of Zimra.
- Prepare daily, monthly and annual reports of the sales and VAT.
- Keep records for six years
- Keep a record of the servicing of the device
- Ensure that no other person uses the fiscalised device.
- Report all faults to Zimra promptly or no later than eight hours from time of occurrence and get reference numbers for all faults reported.
- To ensure that any breaking of the seal is approved and always done in presence of Zimra.
- 5. Roles of ZIMRA
- Provide client education and attend to any queries raised on fiscalisation.
- Register devices for which fully completed FRT1 forms have been submitted
- Issue a letter notifying the registered operator of their registration numbers for the devices that have been registered
- Seal devices that have been successfully fiscalised.
- Registering of faults reported by registered operators and issuing of fault report reference numbers.
- Attending to faults where there is need to open the device to remove the seals and replace the seals once the device has been repaired.
- Conduct inspections of the devices to confirm their proper usage.
- 6. Reporting Faults
- If a device is going to be out of use for more than eight hours due to interruption in power supply, theft, technical fault or any other similar reason the registered operator should report to Zimra through the call centres promptly or within eight hours from the time the device went out of use
- On receiving the report Zimra will record it and advise the registered operator the reference number
- If the fault occurs after business’ operating hours the registered operator should make a report by 0800 hrs on the following working day.
- Registered operators should only use alternative systems or manual systems to record sales on approval by Zimra. However, if a report is made and a reference number assigned and Zimra does not give direction on recording of sales the registered operator can use alternative systems after four hours.